Lap Dancer

Category: BBW, Big Ass, Big Tits, Butt, Downloads, DVD, Hardcore, HD porn, iPhone/Mobile Porn, Natural Boobs | Date: 21 July 2011

Lap Dancer

Lap Dancer

Desirae is not an exotic dancer, she was a cam-girl when we found her, but she could be a great stripper as this video proves. She certainly has the big tits to be a stripper. The photo set is P.O.V. and so is this video. Watch Desirae grind her hips and pussy as she sticks the toy in near the end of her dance. Now that's magic. As Desirae said, "Imagine me giving you a lap dance! Imagine the fucking boner you'd get with my huge cans and soft ass in your face!" She both poses and dances at the same time, getting into the horny atmosphere and feel of being a sexy lap dancer.

See More of Desirae at DESIRAESWORLD.COM!
